
We believe that working with clarity
and transparency drives our actions,
partnerships and purposes to promote
a more playful, inspiring and
hands on public education.

Triennial Activities Report

Ethics and Integrity

We at Escolas Criativas have as institutional support and
council members the LEGO Foundation, Lemann Foundation
and the MIT Media Lab. Our administrative-financial
operations are conducted throughSitawi - Finanças do Bem
and follow rigorous compliance and governance
standards mirroring Brazilian legislation andinternational
best practices to ensure all of our actions with partners,
suppliers and beneficiaries.

Commitment to
diversity, equity
and inclusion

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy of the
Escolas Criativas program aims to establish basic principles and
guidelines so that our actions are guided by the appreciation of
diversity, respect for differences, the creation of inclusion mechanisms and
for the exercise of equity in the creation and development of
internal and external actions.


This document was reviewed and validated by Transcendemos - Consultoria em Diversidade e Inclusão